
irish studies造句

"irish studies"是什么意思   


  1. Irish studies centre at beijing foreign studies university beiwai beiwai , in cooperation with funding from the embassy and nui maynooth , launched a new irish studies centre on 30 march
    爱尔兰著名的话剧,如萨缪尔贝克特( samuel bechett )的经典话剧“等待戈多”也同时在中国登台演出。
  2. Because the irish study looked only at prescription records and not diagnoses , medical records , or the patients themselves , the researchers could not fully explore why women stopped taking tamoxifen
  3. In 2007 , this includes the opening of an irish studies centre at the beijing foreign studies university in march ; an art exhibition organised by the 411 galleries called cead in china , which will run from february to may ; an art exhibition ,
  4. It's difficult to find irish studies in a sentence. 用irish studies造句挺难的


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